I repeated u ignored
I shouted u kept quiet
I became silent u didnt notice
I reminded u challenged
I quit u dismissed
I repeated u ignored
I shouted u kept quiet
I became silent u didnt notice
I reminded u challenged
I quit u dismissed
Unappreciated wasteful void
Nothing to say
Nowhere to go
Nobody to be with
Seemingly irrevocable
Frozen unresponsive slumber
Stared directionless
Random sincerity
At home at work from home from work
Intoxicated and full
Of ideas and being
Of memories and loss
Of promises and doubts
Of resolves and delays
Of dreams and not
Of him and her
image courtesy – volegov.com
Sending letters
Post office and first day covers
Summer break and pen friends
Envelope and stamps
Postman and afternoons
Wait and perusals
Smile and tears
All lost…
Sending messages from one id to the other. Both mine.
Unattended unguided unseen underground
Lived stale childhood abandoned
“Someone is here” but not to release them
Someone was there to release something else
And lived her childhood again