U and I

Unheard mutterings of delicate emotions..
Inexplicable reasons of heart’s swayings..

Unobserved perusals of another’s expressions..
Incomprehensible translations of genuine facades..

Unending conversations of just nothings..
Inaudible admissions of deep seated admirations..

Unsure perceptions of extraneous eyes
Incidental conclusions of unwelcome presences..

Unbearable aches of reluctant partings..
Inevitable eventualities of irreversible relationships..

The Room

The class is full but there would always be room.. many are still waiting

How can she be not there when all of them are.. have been sitting

They gesture n laugh n listen n share all over again.. without tiring

Over n over again as i say it year after year.. repeating

Fancy terms they have to label people.. o do i care!!